Single Parents

How do you handle it?

My ex and I split up this past November, I was around 12 weeks pregnant. At this point we knew we were having twins (found out at 7w 1d). We split up because he cheated on me. Eventually, I was willing to try and work things out with him. That lasted 0.2 seconds. In March (around 28 weeks) he told me he wasn't ready to be a father, he was too young. He is almost 24 years old. He told me he didn't ask for these girls to be created. My response to that was, neither did I, but it doesn't stop me from loving them or wanting them. Then he tells me he wants to sign over parental rights. We didn't really speak much after that.
At 33 weeks, I was admitted into the hospital for pre-term labor for nearly a week. I tried calling him to let him know that our girls may possibly be born earlier than expected. He wouldn't answer. So I texted him, and again, no answer. I was so scared and at one point, I even asked him to come to the hospital so we could talk. He ignored me, again.
Eventually, my labor was stopped (on morning of day 2) and I was sent home 4 days later. The last month of my pregnancy was horrible. I continued contracting the whole time, was vomitting anytime I ate, and even got tested for pre-e because my b/p was so high. I made sure he knew all of this because at that point, my health affected his children. I just didn't want him to be able to say that I didn't let him know what was going on in my pregnancy.
On May 12th, my c-section was scheduled for the following Thursday. I texted him immediatly after finding out. I wanted him at the hospital, but of course, he never showed. His family did though.
My daughters are 5 weeks old, as of yesterday. He has not seen them at all. He hasn't contacted me at all, other than one text while I was in the hospital asking me if they were identical. Which to be honest, pissed me off even more. Why should that matter. How about asking how your newborn daughters are doing.

I have family support, but I am still raising my daughters on my own and it is so hard. I love them so much and would do anything for them but I just get so frustrated about having to do it alone. Especially during nights when one or both girls is up most of the night crying.
Being alone has caused me to go into a depression. I don't know how to get over him. I don't know how I'm going to handle the questions when my girls get older.
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