Babies: 9 - 12 Months


You're weird. 

1. You show up missing this place and wanting to participate. 

2 Then you're lamenting how mean-spirited the place has become in your absence. 

3. Then you want to rev up the fun traditions like FFFC. 

4. Next, you bubble forgiveness and nicey-nice.

5. Somewhere in all that, you passive-aggressively want to "forgive" Yankee for her perpetuating the "minority myth," whatever the hell  that is, and are looking for her so you can start shits, all of which is in direct contradiction to 2, 3, and 4.

6. Now you are lying about who you are are were? 

I should have let you GBCB.  This is the shits that happens when I try to play nice with others.


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