Upstate NY Babies

Naptime? Do you wake up LO? WWYD?, Vin has been great going to sleep at night! He goes down between 8-9 drowsy and falls asleep. Last night slept from 8:30-3:30, got a bottle, slept from 4:30-7 this morning and was up for the day at about 7:30.

We've been working on napping in the crib, and today is day 2. He went in at 12, fussed until 12:30, slept from 12:30 until 1:15, fussed after DH got home and peeked in on him (slamming the door by accident Angry ). Fell back asleep after some susshing and paci back in, and is still sleeping!  

Soooo......DH picked him up to try to rouse him because I am nervous about too long of a nap. And now he is sleeping on DH. This is a super long nap for him, especially because he took his last bottle at 11.

Would you wake LO because it's been almost four hours since his last bottle or let him sleep? Thoughts?

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