Upstate NY Babies

S/O birthdays - Confession

The kids' birthdays stress me right out!  Bri's turns 2 next Friday and I have nothing for her yet.  I said her party is going to be July 3rd, but only the grandparents and one aunt can make it.  Not much of a party with 3 old people and one twenty something aunt, so I haven't done anything for it.  We used to have friends, and friends with kids, but they all seemed to disappear by the time Tyler was 2, we had a big first b-day party for Ty but my mom made a big scene when we did the cake that made ppl uncomfortable.  And Ty was never a pleasant baby/toddler to have around.  I will get her presents, I just don't know what to get her, she is just really happy with all the toys we already have.  I was going to get her dress up clothes, but my MIL just brought her a giant bag of nice Disney princess dresses, shoes and accessories that she picked up cheap at a yard sale.  I'll come up with something.  But even the presents at their parties are problematic.  For some reason, MIL and SIL always get the kids inappropiate gifts.  Like for Christmas someone got Ty an encyclopedia brittanica reading pen/book set for age 12+!  He was 3.  One of the books is an anatomy book for high schoolers!  Of course Ty thinks it looks cool and really wants to use it.  Or buys the ugliest clothes off the clearance rack one size too small.  I tried telling them what the kids want last x-mas, MIL even said she bought it (one of the two things Ty asked for) but when x-mas came, she didn't have it.  I guess she did buy it, but returned it because she thought she saw it cheaper somewhere else.  Of course, when x-mas was all said and done, he asked for the one (of 2) things he asked Santa for :-(   And DH never wants to do a party, he says it is too much work, decorations are a waste of time...

I feel bad for not giving Bri a party this year.  But I don't know what else to do.


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