Pregnant after IF

Update (long)

So I saw the genetic counselor today and ladies believe me when I tell you that was the biggest waste of my time EVER.

First of all it was naivet? on my part but I thought a genetic counselor would be a Dr. This woman was not (and apparently none are)

Nonetheless I expected answers to my questions. I wanted facts and figures, I wanted to know what was the real chance my baby has this condition. She only could tell me "maybe".

Maybe the baby could have, maybe it could be severe, maybe there could be another reason my blood showed higher afp levels. She showed me my lab results , the cutoff for AFP was 2.5, my level rated 2.75. She couldn't tell me why something as small as .25 over could turn into a 1/90 risk.

I did get a sonogram and they measured some parts of her anatomy. Nothing jumped out at the tech or Dr who reviewed them but they agreed that she was still a bit small for that kind of scan, and things would be better seen after 20 weeks.

I called my OB and expressed my disappointment and she apologized for having to go through that. She gave me some more understanding information and moved my anatomy scan up to 20 weeks and to a Dr who specializes in looking at those types of scans for any problems. After speaking to her I feel much better about everything.

The one thing that she pointed out was that the counselor was pushing amnio in case I wanted to terminate but that's not an option for me. I've waited so long for this baby and however she may be born I will love her completely. So I've decided no amnio.

Hopefully the anatomy scan shows all is well , but if it does pick up something I will make a decision from that point.

Thanks again for all the support from you ladies , I appreciate it so much! Best part of today? I felt Carina move for real (thought is felt it earlier but I was wrong!) It's like my tummy is vibrating in certain parts. I think she's saying" Don't worry Mommy I'm ok."
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