Pregnant after IF


So, I just started monitoring my blood sugar (gestational diabetes diagnosis) yesterday. I've figured out that walking after a meal helps keep my number within the range I should be in, so I'm being careful with my food and incorporating the walking.

Today, after breakfast, I went for my walk. Felt just fine. About half an hour later, I was sitting on the couch watching TV and started feeling all shaky and dizzy. That lasted for about an hour! I thought maybe my blood sugar either went too low, or went too high. I tested at the appropriate time (while still feeling icky, too), and my level was in the normal range.

I ate my snack after that, and feel fine now. I just can't figure out why I felt icky if my blood sugar was in the "normal" range?! Could it be because my body was used to elevated sugar levels, so now that I'm lowering them, it causes my body to feel like I'm crashing? 

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