Babies: 9 - 12 Months

vampire at daycare?

I'm not much of a poster, but I had to share my story.

DD only goes to daycare 2x a week- my mom watches her 2 and I'm lucky enough to be able to stay home with her on Fridays. Yesterday, she sitting on a mat with another baby and the other baby wanted DD's toy. I guess they fought over it and then the other baby bit DD on the face, DD fell over, and she bit her again. DD has 4 red marks on her face (one is about the size of a quarter, the other 3 are small) and it was a little swollen... the pedi said to wash it and put neosporin on it.  Day care just kind of brushed it off, wrote up an incident report, but didn't even call one of us to let us know what happened!

Would you expect your daycare or provider to call you when something like that happens to your LO or am I just being too overprotective? Thanks Ladies!



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