Upstate NY Babies

why won't Evan say...

Grandma... or any form of it? (Nama, Gamma, Gigi, Nana etc)

I feel really bad for my mom. Evan just will not say Grandma, or call her by anything. He started saying "Papa" a few months ago (we always said grandpa, he came up w/ papa on his own) 

His language has really taken off in the last month.... he says 3-4 word sentences and basically repeats anything you say. I show him pictures of my mom and ask him who it is and he's just silent. But show him a picture of anyone else and he names them. 

Yesterday we were at my parents and standing in the kitchen. Evan pointed to me and said "momma" then DH "dadda", my dad "papa" My mom said "Evan who am I?!" and he just turned around and said "all done!" It's breaking her heart.... even though it's kinda funny! I told her she just needs to stop trying so hard and he'll say it eventually. I think he knows we want him to say it, so he's being stubborn! 

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