Babies: 9 - 12 Months


I demand to know WTH happened to my sweet little DS that slept from 945p to 930a?!?!  No matter what he won't go down till 1a now and even then he's been waking up at least 3x.  So far he hasn't had night terrors since my last post, so Thank goodness for that.  But I am still exhausted.

Also the next day after I posted about the rash.  It disappeared.  He still has the spots in the center of his chest and above his armpit though.  And His testicles are red.  Its not like a diaper rash, they are just red.  I've tried desitin, A&D, and baby powder and while it may disappear for a few diaper changes, it comes back.  Is this normal???

I hope all of you are having a wonderful night.  The weather is beautiful up here.  Overcast, but I like it. 

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