Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Another sleep question need some opinions

Hi Moms,

SOrry I have another sleep question.  DS used to sleep until 6-7AM.  But the past couple months it has been 5AM! He had been going to bed at 6:30 now its closer to 7/ 7:30.  I know they said the earlier they go to bed teh later they sleep so teh past 3 nights I put him to bed at 6:30 and he falls asleep great and sleeps through until 5.  My question is he still seems tired at 5.  I feel like I have tried everything (but not one thing consistently which I know I need to do, just dont know what method to stick to).  In the past we didnt give him his first bottle until 6:30 ish but this past week I've tried going in when he wakes up and giving him a bottle in his room.  He starts to fall asleep but when I put him back in the crib he wakes up.  Eventually we just take him out, but shortly after he is very cranky becasue he is tired.  We also tried going and just giving his pacifier, or letting him be (he cries).  Any ideas on what I should do here ladies?  I wouldn't mind him waking up that early if he wasn't still tired but he is.  Not sure what to do.  BTW DS is 10mths old.


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