Pregnant after IF

Tiptoeing in... Intro

So.. I appear to be pregnant after infertility. And it feels really really weird to say that but equally weird to be starting the process of moving to a new board.

Lets see interesting facts. DH works in IT and telecommutes, I'm a SAHW who was supposed to have been a SAHM years ago. I paint abstract pictures with acrylic paints as a hobby. DH plays the piano. We have two cats (Sebastian, age 11 and Kavi, age 2), have been married 8 years this July 5th, and my 31st birthday is this Sunday.  Happy early birthday to me!

We have been TTC for almost exactly 2 and a half years, details are, for the most part, in my sig. Severe MFI, lots of trying on our own, one failed IVF, and today we got our beta back for our FET and it was 782. I have Beta #2 on Friday. Initial due date is Feb 23, 2012.

 I also type excessively long posts and tend to post randomly in the middle of the night when I can't sleep.

I hope I'm here for a nice long stay :) I've been lurking for months and looking forward to being here!

Friends for 15 years. Married 8. TTC since January 2009
2010 Diagnosis: Anovulation and Severe MFI
2011 Treatment:
IVF w/ICSI #1 Antagonist: 2 blasts - c/p - BFN 04.22
FET #1: 1 blast/1 early blast - BFP 06.22 - m/c 06.30 @6w0d
07-11 RPL: MTHFR C677T Heterozygous & Slightly elevated ACLA IgM
FET #2: 1 morula - BFN: 9.02

January '12: IVF #2
Started BCP and Metformin (New!) 12-14 for stimming in January

Dum spiro, spero.
?SAIF/PAIF/PgAL/PAL always welcome?
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