Pregnant after IF

Only 1 Beta?

Hi ladies- Just visiting from the Infertility board and looking for some input. I just got my beta results today and got a BFP. Dr's office says the next step is an ultrasound in two weeks. From what I remember seeing from other's experiences, it looks like most have at least one more, if not two more betas in the days/weeks following a BFP. Did anyone else only have 1 beta? I think I am overthinking everything. TIA!
TTC since 9/08 Met w/RE 6/10 Me: HSG 7-10- Septated Uterus: Metroplasty to correct 10/10 DH: SA 3/10- zero sperm SA 6/10- 2 mil , 0% motility Quality Analysis 9/10- Rec to move fwd with IVFw/ICSI #1 12/10 = BFN #2 3/11= BFN #3 6/11 = BFP, dx miscarriage 7/4/11, dx ectopic 8/22/11- emergency surgery to remove ruptured right tube
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