Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Boys with doll strollers

I was reading an older post about this and about the many dh's who might not be cool with the idea.  I just wanted to show you (and them) a picture of the stroller we got ds several years ago.   We get stopped all the time by moms who say their dh's would love it "even though" it's a doll stroller.  I just googled the company- Little Drivers- and it doesn't seem like they are making them anymore - but I'm sure there are other companies doing something similar.  So for those dh's who are concerned about their boy having a doll stroller (and that is silly to me), I just wanted to show that there are "boy" options.

3 IUI's and 2 IVF's later- Brady arrived. Born at 36 weeks after PUPPS and pre-e/HELLP.
IUI- BFN IVF #1 -BFP! Allie is our 2nd IVF baby. Born at 36 1/2 weeks after pre-e again
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