Babies: 9 - 12 Months

9 month appt - DD lost weight

At 6 months: 16 lbs even and 25 inches long

At 7 months: 17 lbs even and didn't measure length (took her in for a rash)

9 months: 16 lb 10 oz and 27 inches long

Anyone else's LO lose weight or level off around this age?  DD isn't quite crawling yet, but is very active rolling and scooting.  I BF and feed solids twice a day, but I'll now step it up to 3 times.  She also had an allergic reaction (hives) to dairy products so until we go to the allergist next month I'm cautious and wary about introducing new foods.

The Pedi said we will address it at a problem if she continues to fall off of the curve.  She's always been in the 50th % for weight.   Just looking for a little reassurance from other moms.

DD's Food Allergies: Peanuts, Rice and slowly growing out of Dairy. Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

8/09 Dx PCOS & Hashimoto's
BFP #2 12/13/11. Missed M/C at 11w5d, measured 8w6d. D&C 2/1/12
Never in my arms, but always in my heart.

BFP #3 10/31/12 U/S 11/21 Baby measuring on track and HB 112
U/S 12/12 measuring great and HB 174! EDD 7/15/13Pregnancy Ticker
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