Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Lurker with 2 questions...

1.) Ever since I have had DD (vaginally with a tear) it has been really uncomfortable to use tampons. It sucks! The whole time that I have one in I have constant discomfort and slight pain in my butt/crotch area, down the back of my thighs, and even in my calves. Does anyone else have this problem? I am wondering if it is common or if it is something I need to see a doctor for.

2.) Has any of your LO's developed moles? I first noticed a dark spot on her thigh about 2 or 3 months ago. It has slowly been growing and I have now noticed that is is raised. I plan on bringing it up at her next pedi appt, I was just curious if anyone else has noticed anything like this on their LOs.



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