Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Still Tues, so I can still name a twatwaffle

TobeClements... You realize that his family members are also taxpayers, right? OMG MY TAX DOLLARS!!!111//!!1/!

"Sad? I'm sorry but this pisses me off. I get having medical problems and issues working, we all do. But he IS working. This is going to be jumbled cause I'm so annoyed but instead of asking for help from his FAMILY he plans on going to jail and having the TAX PAYERS pay for his back and foot surgery and whatever is coming out of his chest. Then, he plans on ridding it out in jail until he gets social security and can MOVE TO THE BEACH? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? So now we have a person in jail who doesn't need to be, taking up a spot in our already over-crowded jails from someone who commintted a crime and that SHOULD BE in jail. He had enough money to get a cab-maybe he should have saved that money for medical treatment."

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