Babies: 9 - 12 Months

life sucks today. (whine warning)

SO got a call 2.5 hours before he was supposed to go into work today telling him he was fired. The director said he didn't like his work. SO is a cook/chef and he had been hearing only good things about his performance so far. He's had this job for maybe a month. 

We think it is because he made an OSHA complaint and they knew it was him?sigh. We're too fvcking broke for this kind of thing. I feel bad for SO, but I kind of blame him for being stupid about that.

SO was also supposed to make his initial call to the collection agency that his student loans are with. He didn't have the right number? That didn't get done today, but I looked up complaints against the company, and I'm not looking forward to the whole process. Of course, he technically has no income now to even make a payment.

Sometimes I think my life would be so much easier without him. Other than the whole being a single parent aspect, of course. 


Oh, I should add he had another job lined up anyway, but we're not sure when it will start. It could be weeks.


Whine over.  

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