Blended Families

Hi! Im new here :)

Not new to the knot, nest, bump by far, but definitely new to this board! As a matter of fact I have no clue how to navigate my profile or siggy or anything anymore bc Ive been mia since my dh and I split in 2009, so lord knows whats in there!! Any who, Im Mandy and my bf and I just moved in together and meshed our 3 kiddos, 4, 5 and 7 years old. So far my son isnt adjusting well to the move and not being the only child anymore. His kids are doing well, but he and bm were never really together after the younger was born and he was in Afganistan for most of the olders life. So thats my situation in a nutshell. Marriage, house and pregnancy in the near future :) Im so glad Im not the only one who's going through all these life changes bc Im certainly the first of my friends to get divorced with a child(also first to be married). And not having anyone who's been there done that has been rough but so happy that noone else has had to go through it.

Im sure Ill have lots to ask. Especially since ds is having so much trouble adjusting, but we are taking him to counseling.


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