Upstate NY Babies

Yikes, that could have been really bad!

We store our dining room table leaf in our hall closet. Stupid now that I think of it. R was playing in the closet yesterday, he does this a lot and never touched the thing. I knew he was in there and wasn't far away....he pulled that leaf down on his arms! It is solid wood and very heavy. Somehow, even with one arm pinned against the sliding door.....he only ended up with a tiny mark. I was certain it would have broken his forearm. I started to freak, but got it together and got ice on his arm. He stopped crying within minutes and passed all my "can you do this" tests  (it didn't even swell or bruise).

That dang leaf (that we never use) is now in the basement. I keep thinking about how bad it could have been, and thanking the good Lord that it wasn't.

PSA.....besides anchoring TV's......lose the table leafs too! 

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