Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Baby Won't Put Food in His Mouth

I gotta ask because I am at my wits end. My son is 9 months old and will be 10 months old July 9. He can pinch and pick everything up. He will pick toys up and put them in his mouth. When I give him table food like cheerios, he will pick them up, but he refuses to put the in his mouth. He LOVES to eat and he likes cheerios (I haven't found a food he doesn't like). But, he will only have food in his mouth if you put it in there for him. He loves spoons and he'll stick his spoon in his food but he's not really to that point yet. I have tried just placing the food in front of him and letting him explore it. He plays wioth the table food, but won't eat it! I have tried guiding his hand for him, but he gets upset. Does anybody have any tricks they can share for me? He has been doing great with everything else, he sleeps through the night, little to no fussiness, he can crawl pull himself up, is even trying to stand without support and he can for 2-3 seconds. He's a daredevil and scares me half to death when he does this, but he's doing great with it. He has his own names for some things (I'm "mama" dad is "da-eee" and doggies are "goggies"), but I cannot get this kid to feed himself! lol
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