Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Refusing bedtime bottle

Lately my 10-month-old has been refusing his bottle at bedtime.  Our routine is that he eats supper at 6, and then at 7 we go up and I feed him his bottle and then put him in his crib.  For about the past week he has been refusing his bottle completely and will fuss until I put him in his crib.  He has one bottle in the morning, and I gave up his afternoon bottle because he was refusing it.  He does eat a huge variety of foods, so I'm not concerned he is not getting enough nutrition.  My concern is that he is not going to be getting enough calcium with only one bottle in the morning.  I also worried that he will not be getting enough fluids.  He does drink out of a cup throughout the day, but not usually more than one filled cup total.  


Are there any tips out there to help get him back to his bedtime bottle? 

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