Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Bottle at night, rocking to sleep: a no no?

Just had our 9 month well check last Friday.

I was reading over that paper the pedi gives you with the %s... and on there it said no bottles at night, or extended rocking to sleep, plus other stuff like bringing the baby to bed... yada yada yada.

Both of these things (just lately) I've been doing because nothing else works sometimes but the bottle. When we give it to him, he really acts like he is hungry. I told the pedi (before reading the handout) and she thought it was just a growth spurt. I didn't ask anymore questions, it sounded right to me. He doesn't always wake up.

 ALSO when he is in a mood (teething, too hot) I'll rock him to sleep, and that can take like 15 - 30 minutes sometimes. Works really well. I can't let him scream his brains out.... it just doesn't feel right.

Are these really bad habits? I want to take it with a grain of salt but just wanted a little input.

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