Upstate NY Babies

Reviews for REs/Infertility offices near Albany?

After conceiving DD with no issues 2+ years ago, and now having three miscarriages since then, I am ready to move on to an infertility office/reproductive endocrinologist. Can anyone share their reviews of practices in or near Albany? Thanks so much!
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Trying for #2 since July 2010
BFP 8/1/10, missed m/c, D&C 9/15/10.
BFP 1/8/11, chemical pregnancy.
BFP 3/4/11, measured behind all along, no more HB 4/18/11. D&C 4/29/11. HCG didn't drop, Repeat D&C 6/17/11; confirmed molar pregnancy 6/23/11.
Forced break, including two Hysteroscopies in October to remove retained tissue.
BFP 12/29/11! Betas @ 10 dpo = 85, 14 dpo= 498, 22 dpo = 7242
Heard HB 1/24/12. 144 bpm!

Luca Rose born 9/9/12! More than worth the wait!
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