Babies: 9 - 12 Months

DS is a "few pounds light for his frame"

According to our pedi at his 9 month check up.  This made me laugh because my guy is a serious chunky butt.  29.5 inches and 23 pounds.  He is in the 90% for height and 75% for weight.  He's been on that same curve since his 4 month check up.

I told the doctor that he eats ALL THE TIME, about every 2 hours alternating between solids and bottle.  The pedi said he wasn't eatting too much because he was a few pounds light for his frame.

And a question. Pedi said it was time to start transitioning away from a bottle to more table food so that he was pretty much off of a bottle by his 1st birthday.  Is there any sort of a general road map on how to do that? I know it sounds simple enough, just feed more solids and less formula, but over this weekend I tried to do that, but he still ate the same amount of formula at the same times no matter what I did.

any suggestions are appreciated. TIA

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