Babies: 9 - 12 Months

How to drop a bottle? (from 4 to 3)

I am thinking it is time for us to drop from 4 bottles/day to 3.  DS is only taking 2-3 oz of each bottle now, and I think he is just not hungry as often.  He also has not gained any weight in the last 2 mos, so I think I need to adjust something.  Here is our current schedule:

8am 7oz bottle

8:45 Breakfast solids

10-11:30 nap

11:45am 7oz bottle

12:30 lunch solids

2-3:30 nap

3:45 7oz bottle

5:45 dinner solids

7:45 7oz bottle

On a good day, he'll take 22-24 oz total, while DD will take 26-28oz.  I would like to cut down to 3 8oz bottles, but am not sure how to go about doing it.  Any ideas appreciated!


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