Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Blech, spent the weekend with a racist assclown >:/

My husband's friend from college came for a weekend visit with her boyfriend. On Fri, I was enjoying his company, finding him funny. My H told me I should say x, y, and z to this person on Facebook, and I said I couldn't do that because he would likely burn a Koran to up the ante. The boyfriend(I'll call him E) said, "what's wrong with that?" i smirked and said, "well, for starters, it endangers our troops." i figured he was making an off color joke and moved on.

Then Sat night, while out for a wonderful fancy dinner, he and I ended up alone at the table. Iasked a couple of fairly innocent questions about something he said earlier (it was political in nature). When I questioned him, he freaked the fuckings out and just altogether stopped making sense in a bizarre, drunken rant that covered everything from Obama to religion to how Bush was a hero and said the F word between almost every word. He said in one breath how all those welfare fucckers need to go to school to get off welfare and then in the next breath how those same fucckers should get a job, even if they are only 16. It was the stupidestshit I've heard in real life. It was also pretty inappropriate for the setting.

Somehow, DH's friend ended up asking the bartender her nationality, which was Mexican and Irish. When she left, E said to us he would not have guessed that because he thought she was Palestinian because she "has that nose, that ugly fuckings Arab nose that you see right before they blow you up." I was utterly shocked because it was so unexpected, so HATEFUL, and was said for no reason whatsoever, as the girl was not even a member of the group he so obviously hates. My husband was grumpy with me for instigating the political brawl that I didn't actually instigate, so I didn't want to further provoke my husband by calling E the racistfuck he is. Out of respect for my husband and his friend (the girl who brought E), I did not tell him to fucck himself and pack his shits and get his muthafuckings Apartheid waterboarding ass the righteousfuck out of my world. I just put down my drink and suggested a couple books on the case for Israel and the plight of the Palestinians in camp cities, saying he would learn a lot of facts, Then I unleashed on my husband when they left last night.

I take this shits seriously. I went to a very diverse school (come on, Chicago truly is a melting pot) with a TON of Muslims, Asians, and East Indians. My friend Jamila from h.s. was the kind of person who could not stand injustice anywhere and wanted to be a judge. My friend Mustafa runs an HMO clinic for low income people in the city. My friend Roby is a heart surgeon. All Muslims, all fantastic people. And then there are my students, who are of the same caliber, except they are just KIDS. Funny, friendly, normal Americans. These are my friends and kids this stupidfuck was insulting. And I am so grossed out with myself for keeping the peace instead of openly standing up to him.

Is it any surprise America is mocked on the world stage?

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