Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Please Help!! DD wakes up crying inconsolable

DD used to be the best sleeper, STTN since she was 2 months old. About 2-3 weeks ago she started waking up 2-4 times a night crying bloody murder. Nothing would make her stop other than me hugging her and staying by her side. If DH goes she cries even harder. Some nights I would give her a bottle and she would fall asleep again, but it's getting worst and worst... Last night not even me being there would calm her down, I took her out of the crib and walked around the 2nd floor for a little while but she was still cry, she fell asleep in my bed and took her to her crib, she woke up the second she touched the crib. It could be teething but I have tried giving her motrin and put gel on her gums and nothing seems to help. Please someone help!! My mom suggested to take her to the pediatrician, DH and I got into this big fight about that because he says I am a Dr runner and that I am going to make a fool out of myself... But he doesn't come up with any ideas on how to solve this either!
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