Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Do you think your husband is a whimp?

Lately I feel like my DH is being a whimp. He has thrown out his back by lifting something too heavy. All day yesterday he was whining about his back and how much it hurt. Today he went to the doctor who gave him muscle relaxers and told him to stay out of work for 2 days. Rather than being a supportive wife, I feel annoyed that I am now waiting on him hand and foot, taking care of DS, and doing daycare pickup (means I have to leave work an hour early). Not to mention that he asks me to rub his back aggressively every night when I am exhasted. I guess the bottom line is that I am annoyed that he did something stupid (again. He stupidly sprained his ankle last summer when I was 37 weeks pregnant. Luckily right now I am only 20 weeks). When he makes these ridiculous decisons to carry 800lb things he should really think about how I will be the one left to pick up the pieces. Am I a meanie? I am trying to administer tough love but God I'm tired.


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