Upstate NY Babies

Ultrasound tomorrow morning

Just before work on Friday I started bleeding.  Went thru 2 pads in a few hours.  I had spotting constantly for dd, but this was waaay different.  I ended up calling the OB office bc the dr had mentioned something about my progesterone back when I was ttc and I wanted them to check and see what my latest bloodwork progesterone was.  The nurse wanted me to come in for an u/s Friday and seemed kind of shocked that I waited so long to call and even more so that I wasn't coming in right then.  She even said that she was making a note in my chart that she advised me to come in and I wouldn't.  She never did look at my blood work though....she was just focused on me coming in Friday for the u/s.  But I was working and worked all weekend too.  I didn't have any bleeding all weekend though, and never any cramping, so I am pretty hopeful everything should look good.  I wish bleeding wasn't such a big part of my pregnancies.
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