Single Parents

12 weeks pregnant and getting a divorce.

Hello everyone,

I to be honest just need to vent i feel very lonely these days. Well ill start out with my soon to be ex husband and i had been trying to get pregnant for over a year actually in March we went to an infertility specialist. In April he was out real late with his friends and I got upset because he didnt get home until 430 am, we got into an argument and he left and told me that night he wanted a divorce and too be honest i didnt think he had the guts to do it. Well the next day he came home and told me that he was serious. It was so hard because we had been together for over 4 years and we have known each other for almost 10! So i thought that we would be together forever. Our lives were literally inner twinned in every sense, What was worse is the friends house he was at until 430 am he started living there and then he now lives with his gf! We have only been broken up for 2 months. When he left i asked him what if i am pregnant and he said if you havent gotten pregnant this far youre not pregnant now. Well my body obviously knew and the end of that week i took the test and it said i was pregnant, both test actually said it. So i called him and told him and he said that the test arent always right! So i went to my doc the next day and she confirmed it, so i called him and he asked me if i got papers! Im not a dog! I was so offended... Sorry about rambling i just really have noone to turn to.  My biggest issue is i dont have many friends because my ex was my everything. When i get upset about something i just want someone to hold me and tell me it will be okay, and it makes this whole thing worse. So has anyone been in a situation like mine? Or does anyone have any advice on what to do to make friends or of something to get my mind off of all this stressful financial and emotional mess i have right now?


Thanks for reading my rambling mess. 


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