Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Had house sprayed for bugs and freaking out!!!


I just found out that I am 4 weeks pregnant and had my house sprayed for bugs inside and out last week. They used Maxxthor SC with bifenthrin as the active ingredient. I stayed outside when the inside was being sprayed...he said he was only going to spray the baseboards.

When he was spraying the outside of the house, I also remained outside about 25 feet away. Some of the solution fell onto me....about 6 drops worth...I suppose this happpened when he sprayed over the rooftop. Other than that I am not aware of any direct exposure. It was not a windy day and I stayed at least 25 feet away from the house until he was done spraying. I am just now concerned on the possible effects (birth defects/risk of cancer) that this may pose for my newly developing baby from both the indirect exposure of the indoor spray and the direct exposure from the outdoor spray. Should I be concerned?

Did anyone ever have their house sprayed while early in pregnancy and have a healthy child?

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