Babies: 9 - 12 Months

20 out-of-the-ordinary light-hearted Questions

And no personal questions.

Just for kicks and boredom-busting.


1:What is your mobile ringtone?

2: What was the last book you read, or that you're currently reading?

3: How is your vision? 

4: What's one of the craziest things you've ever done?

5: What is your favourite facial feature (on yourself)?

6: Are you a herbivore or a carnivore?

7: Are you aware that 'lose' and 'loose' have two separate meanings?

8: If you could steal the hair of a celebrity and wear it, whose would it be?

9: Extra or Bubblicious?

10: If you were a man, do you think you would be hot?

11: What is your favourite meal to create in a crock-pot?

12: Which instrument(s) do you play?

13: Do you collect anything, and if so, what?

14: The biggest thing you got in trouble for as a kid:

15: What was the last crafty thing you made?

16:  If you had one sentence to say to your celebrity crush, what would you say, and who is it?

17: Are you familiar with Trapper Keepers?

18: What size shoe do you wear?

19: If you could have any job in the whole wide world that you could imagine or make up, what job would that be?

20: Do you like clowns? 


One two three GO 



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