
EPing Blog

I posted this on the end of the check in thread below, but I'm going to break it off so people can see it before it gets burried.

I'd like to start a blog about EPing, since there seems to be a lack of support but more and more women choosing this option for various reasons. I'd like to have it be a group effort where people contribute posts and tell stories about pumping. I think we all have some funny anecdotes, some stories of what worked and didn't work for us, schedules, tips, etc. Let's put it to good use!

If you are interested in participating, you can contact me at and the blog will be at

You could participate as much or little as you feel like, ideally I'll get an email list going and circulate weekly ideas to write about and you could participate when you have something to share. To start with, it would be great to hear:

why did you exclusively pump?

what is your process?

and of course any good funny stories or anecdotes, or less than funny stories and anecdotes (i.e., I literally cry when I spill milk)

EPing resource blog: We want you to contribute your story!
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