Babies: 9 - 12 Months

I know I don't post very often, but I really need advice...

My baby is almost a year old and I breastfed until he was about 9.5 months.  I had my first period about a month and half ago.  I called my doctor and got back on "normal" pills (not the breastfeeding safe ones) as soon as that period was over.  I have not had a period since.  I am on my second pack of "normal" birth control and in this pack I have had two almost periods; meaning that I will spot for a few days but nothing really gets going.  I have taken SEVERAL pregnancy tests, several.  I have cramped since I gave birth, sometimes very painful cramping.  I should add that I had a c-section and major complications of blood loss.  Any insight into this would be greatly appreciated. 
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