Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Xp: change in formula - need advice

Now that DD is 9 months old and she has been on Similac Alimentum since day 1, we are wanting to try to switch to a different formula since she is has been tollerating solids well since she was 6 months old and the reason she was on Alimentum was due to colic (lots of gas - even when put on Similac sensitive she still had terrible gas but going on this formula helped). She is using the ready to feed and about 4 months ago (before solids) we tried using the powder version - she didn't like it. Due to finances, I would love to try to find a less expensive formula (the RTD if almost $10 a bottle). Anyone use/used Alimentum and switched to another brand/formula type successfully? We did try to switch her to Similac Sensitive ready to feed, but she has had terrible gas and be believe it may be from mixing the Sensitive in with the Alimentum. Even if she would start taking the powder version again it would be alot easier. Any suggestion/ideas? TIA
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