Babies: 9 - 12 Months

XP: Has anyone's LO had Roseola?

DS started getting a fever on Wednesday, late afternoon/early evening. By the time he went to bed, it was around 101/102. Yesterday was miserable. The highest it got was 104.6. I took him to the doctor, and she said since he showed no other symptoms, she thought it was most likely Roseola, especially as it has really been going around in this city lately. She told me the fevers usually last 2-5 days, followed by the bright rash.

Well, this morning, DS woke up just fine. Normal temp, he's in a great mood, he's eating again, etc. So, the fever didn't even last two full days, and he has no sign of a roseola rash yet.

For your LO, how much time passed between the fever breaking and the rash showing up?
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