Upstate NY Babies

WWYD? Neighbors

Our neighbor runs a business out of his house, with lots of equipment.  Each day it seems their day starts earlier and earlier and today it started at 6:15.  This involves them loading a truck, and they talk loudly.  Our bedrooms are on that side of the house.  We have been closing E's window and running the fan with hopes that this would drown out the noise, but it hasn't.  He woke up when they loaded up at 6:15. I was really hoping to get a decent last chunk of sleep before the day started (E usually sleeps until 7-7:30).  I have wanted to say something, but haven't but now with a newborn, I just feel like any earlier than 7 just is not considerate. We are very considerate of him, bring our dog in etc...  I know that he technically should not be running this out of his house, but I do not want to go to any extent of getting him in trouble for that, because I want to maintain a good relationship with him.  They sometimes get home late too and unload, but this is infrequent, so I would not raise this issue.  

WWYD?  They do not have kids, so probably do not understand noise, time, how precious sleep can be :) 

imageimage PHOTO Credit: Meryl :)Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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