Salt Lake City Babies

Meet the Doulas Night-6/18 @ 5:30 pm Honey Bump Maternity in Layton

Hi mommies! I hope some of you take advantage of this opportunity. You do not have to be pregnant to be informed :) Bring a friend or two!!!! Just come and mingle! We also host different events each month i.e. breastfeeding, birthing options, baby wearing workshop etc so join the facebook page to keep up.



Honey Bump Maternity welcomes The Utah Doula Association for a special "Meet the Doulas Night."

                                                                 ?If a doula were a drug, it would be unethical not to use it.
John H. Kennell, MD
? Honey Bump Maternity would like to share with the public, the wonderful service and support that Doulas provide during such a life changing event such as childbirth. We believe that every woman deserves the right to birth their baby in the methods and ways that they feel is best for them. Doulas provide the care, support, and knowledge to help women accomplish their birthing goals. This is the knowledge that we want to help spread throughout Utah.

Doula is a greek word meaning ?Woman who serves? and is now commonly used to describe a women who is trained and experienced in birth support. A doula provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support to the mother before, during and just after birth. Studies have shown that when doulas attend birth, labors are shorter with fewer complications, babies are healthier and they breastfeed more easily. Having a doula present for birth has many physical and psychological benefits for the mother, her partner, and her baby. Studies have shown that when a doula is present at a birth, the use of epidural anesthesia is lessened by up to 60%. Doulas have also been shown to shorten the length of a mother?s birth, as well as increase her chances of having a vaginal birth. Mothers who use doulas for their births, have a better view of their birth experiences and fewer cases of postpartum depression. With the alarming rate of c-sections and other birth interventions and complications in the United States, doulas everywhere are actively seeking to expand the knowledge of what doulas are and how they have such a positive impact on birth. In order to help couples prepare for a beautiful birth experience, The Utah Doula Association and Honey Bump Maternity are offering a free "Meet the Doulas Night." This event is open to the public, whether you are pregnant, know someone who is pregnant, or planning to become pregnant. The Meet the Doulas Night will be held on June 18th at 5:30pm at Honey Bump Maternity: 1155 N. Main Suite 4 Layton, UT.


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