Upstate NY Babies

I feel awful

I'm on the phone with my Mom tonight (home alone with DD)-DD decides she wants to go upstairs. So we go up, she goes into her room and wants a few things (brush, etc) out of her dresser drawer. As she's grabbing the 2 things she wants, she drops a few other things on the ground. I go to pick them up and she beelines past me. Next I know I hear a "thump, thump, thump" (I'm thinking she chucked a toy down the stairs b/c she always does). Within seconds I hear a scream and I run out the door-there she is at the bottom of ALL of our stairs on her knees screaming! My baby fell all the way down them! I feel so awful about it. We have never gated our stairs b/c shes very good at announcing what shes doing while shes doing it ("upstairs", "downstairs")...and tonight she didn't do that at all. After screaming a few minutes, she was ok-no marks or anything...but I still feel terrible about it
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