Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Poll: Should I stay or should I go?

I've attempted to prove I'm not Eco by asking a mod to compare IP addresses. (refer to "we have a locked post" thread) For those that don't know, IP addresses can show what area of the country someone is in and could prove positive we are not the same or even in the same area.  It could also show that I only post from one IP address alone.

Unfortunately, a mod can't do that.  Eco has done an excellent job playing the bungling ae who acts as if she is me and posting under the wrong sn.  She's done an excellent job.  I have no defense, except from the fact that you can read through all my posts and see there has never been the same mistake on my side, nor have any of my posts been completely BSC.  In the circumcision thread I was poking at eco for pretending to be me and failing to know that I have a DD.  Apparently she did a good job of getting me back acting as if she were me. 

The only thing I've done wrong on TB, is call out yanks when she is being disturbingly cruel to posters who disagree with her.  She is the one and only poster I've ever had a problem with.  And FTR I reported eco's thread as well.  Yanks can be cruel, but eco crossed the line. 

I enjoy TB for the good discussions that can be found here, great info and advice given about our kids, but will leave if the consensus feels I should.  My DD turned 1 yesterday, and I've considered just moving over to the 12-24month board, but I am sure this whole ae conspiracy theory will follow me.

PS.  Hope this works, my first poll attempt.  Sorry but I have to PnR, have some errands to run, party's this saturday and father's day coming up.  I will check back later tonight.  If the consensus shows everyone wants me gone, I will abide and delete my account.  Life's too short to spend playing this game for eternity on here and it's looking like a game I can't win.


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