Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Introducing Cow's Milk

Our pedi has given the ok to start slowly weaning little one, and introducing cow's milk.  We started this past Friday giving her a half cow's milk and half breast milk in a bottle before her afternoon nap (nursing still the rest of the time).  Two days ago she started waking up in the middle of the night., and she broke out with baby acne over the weekend.  

It could obviously be any number of reasons, teething (I think her top teeth are getting ready to come in), she just started walking, and of course she looks like she's getting ready for a growth spurt (her cheeks tend to get really fat right before she goes through one). I've stopped giving her cow's milk in the mean time in case that's what is causing the problem, but I'm curious if anyone else has had some problems introducing cow's milk.

Oh, she's had yogurt, cheese, and other various dairy items with no problem.   Thanks!

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