Single Parents


I have had some college, no degree. I have a certification in food service sanitationa nd safety but haven't done anything with that yet. It was basicly a just incase kind of thing in case soemthing ever happened that I had to have a job. I haven't had a job since before I got married 3 and 1/2 years ago and that was just a little part-time retail. I was wondering for those who were SAHMs before divorce, what kind of job did you get? Are there any of you that got decent jobs that didn't require a degree? I'm living with my mom and waiting to start getting child support. After the baby is born tho I will have to find work and I'm just looking for ideas. I suck at places like mcdonald's or any kind of waitressing. Retail was ok but the mall is a 45 minute drive so I'm checking out my options. Thanks for any input.
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