Upstate NY Babies

Did you put your baby on a schedule?

Question for ya: Did you put you LO on a "schedule" as a newborn, or did you follow their schedule? ie- Feed on demand, etc?

Apparently I am not parenting properly because I haven't strictly started to schedule LO. He is going to be 7 weeks old on Saturday and I was not aware I should be trying to put him on my schedule!

He is bottle fed (expressed breast milk and supplemental formula) and pretty much follows an eat, play, nap schedule going down for the night between 730 and 830 and waking for the day between 730 and 830 am. Should I be trying to regulate more specifically the times he eats, sleeps, plays etc? It doesn't feel right to me, but a "friend" made a snide comment about it and now I am curious what other moms do.


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