Single Parents

Am I overreacting?

I realize that I am pretty emotional right now about everything that is going on between me and H.  But this one really got me.

DD2 is having surgery to get ear tubes tomorrow.  It has been scheduled for a month and H was even at the appointment when it was scheduled.  I even put it in his phone calendar (this was pre-separation).  Well I have been asking him the last two weeks if he was able to get off work for the surgery.  He kept telling me it shouldn't be a problem.

Yesterday I asked him again and he said no, he wasn't going to be able to go.  He said it wasn't a "serious surgery".  I asked if he was serious and he was.  He did not get off work.  I am soooooo pissed.  She is 11 months old!  I feel like any surgery is a big deal.  Plus, I really wanted him to be there so I wouldn't be alone waiting while they took her back.  I am going to be a mess.  I also wanted him to hear from the doctor the do's and dont's with her having the tubes.

My Dad is going to go with me but I am just so upset that H didn't even try to get off work.  I know the procedure is supposed to be quick but I am already a ball of nerves about it.  Thank God my Dad is able to go.  

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