Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Bedtime routine help?!

I have not posted on here since my daughter was about 2 months old. But I have a question I am hoping some of you ladies might be able to help with. 

 DD has been a pretty good sleeper. She got herself into a 7:30 pm bedtime routine (wake up at 7 am).  Which was great. While I was still breastfeeding she usually woke up twice for a feed and that was it.  Fast forward to the last three weeks.  Bedtime has turned into a three hour process of me holding her with a bottle. The second I lay her down in her crib she is wide awake!  Even though seconds before she is snoring!  AND she is still waking up twice after we finally get her down.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! 

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