Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Car Seat Safety - help!

I searched pages on the Bump and can not find what I need. My IL's, who normally treat DD like a china doll, refuse to buckle her up properly. MIL actually broke into tears yesterday about how tight I strap her in. We have the Britax Marathon with the Click Safe feature for their car because I knew this would be an issue. They still think it is too tight. I have tried to explain to them why the straps need to be 'tight' and why ALL the buckles need to be done up and why the top one should be by her armpits and not her belly but they do not seem to get it. I know a poster has many links to car seat safety and I would appreciate those along with any graphic images and stories. For now I have stopped letting them buckle her up and take her anywhere but due to some other crazy family drama on his cousin's side I am hesitant to say they can only see her if I drop her off and supervise the visit.  It doesn't help that DH thinks she should be forward facing because its more 'fun' for her, but that is a whole other argument. ARGGHH


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