Babies: 9 - 12 Months

BFing Mommas please come in

What does your feeding schedule look like for your 11 - 12 month old?

 Right now, DD is BFing in the morning.  7 oz of purees midmorning.  BF and finger foods (usually some cut up fruit) around 12:30.  Then afternoons are kind of disorganized:  BF when she gets up from her nap around 3:30, 3.5 oz. of purees and more finger food (cut up fruit and little of whatever we're having for dinner) around 5:30/6:00.  Then BF before bed at 7:30. Also, she has one overnight feeding most nights. 

The problem is that she has become completely distracted while nursing.  I feel like I'm fighting to BF her every. single. time.....arrrrggghhh!!!!  Is it possible she's trying to self-wean??  Am I trying to BF too much?   I've tried to eliminate as many distractions as possible, but haven't really seen much of a change.  Have any of you had this problem?  Any advice/thoughts are greatly appreciated!!


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