Babies: 9 - 12 Months

how DH told me he was ready to TTC

We have been talking about starting to TTC over the past few months but DH had been kinda wishy washy and not quite ready to take the leap. So finally on Saturday, we had just packed DS and all our stuff into the car for a 4-hour drive to my parents' in NY, and had been driving for about 10 min when I realized we needed to go back because I had forgotten my BC at home. DH shrugs and goes, "What if you just stopped taking your pill?" And that was that! It was super unlike DH who is usually so deliberate but we are so thrilled :)

 Of COURSE Sunday night AF arrives so we are on a short hiatus till it's over. But who knows... DS came on the first try so hopefully it is not too long a wait to 2u2! :) Wish me luck ladies!


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