Babies: 9 - 12 Months

post-pregnancy body weirdness

We're at 10 months right now...and I am a breastfeeding mom who is now 5 pounds below my pre-pregnancy weight. I'm happy about that and feel pretty fortunate, as it is purely luck of the draw (I haven't done anything really to get to this point). However, my body has shifted in the past 6 months. Initially at around 4 months post-pregnancy, my belly was relatively back to normal. Obviously it was in need of toning (which I never did), but I was pretty pleased with my recovery. Now, I have this weird pooch that has developed. It wasn't there until the past couple months. It has gotten to the point that I actually went out and bought a pregnancy test (which was negative) because I worried I was pregnant again, even though that isn't even remotely possible (trust me). I realize I'm not the most healthy eater on the planet, but my eating habits haven't significantly shifted in the past 6 months and I now weigh less. It doesn't make sense to me why my belly would be getting flabbier. Can anyone relate to this or am I just going crazy?  
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