Babies: 9 - 12 Months

RP from Breastfeeding: Advice needed

My DS is almost 10 months old and has only had breastmilk from day 1. I work full time so I pump 3x a day, 5x a week and my supply has been great. I have a ton in the freezer and DS tends to not drink very much during the day when he's with my mom or DH. DH has him 2-3 days a week depending on that week's schedule and my parents have him the other days. Usually between 7-5, he only has been taking 10 oz. I feel like he kind of makes up for it when I am home because he wakes up a one to two times a night and really really eats! So nights and mornings I am usually nursing 4 times a day.

He is on solids but we are barely at 2 meals a day at this point. He eats his solids well most of the time and has been trying finger foods somewhat. It took him a while to get used to things with texture but he's really getting better.

The last couple of weeks he has been really fighting his bottle. It takes him the course of a few hours to get 4 oz down. Pushes the bottle away, not that interested. He will nurse fine with me. Is it teething? He has two bottom teeth but I think others are brewing because he's gnawing on everything, drooling again... My mom was going to try his milk in a sippy for today's afternoon feeding. Maybe he no longer wants a bottle? Does it matter if he drinks little during the day if he seems to eat really well at night?

I currently pump about 15 oz a day and he's eating barely 10. Would it be foolish to start cutting out one pump session a day since 5 oz are surplus? I am running out of freezer room and definitely would not miss pumping that third time. Sorry for all of the info and questions but any help would be greatly appreciated!

Started our TTC Journey: 2007 Long cycles after bcp, dx'd with mild PCOS. put on metformin and doing weekly acupuncture; cycles went from 60 days to 30-33. DH had SA done 11/08, dx'd varicocele. Surgery 12/08; no significant changes in SAs over the past year. Low morph, low motility, low count Straight to IVF, on bcp. Start Lupron 11/16. ER 12/7 ET 12/12 tx'd one blast, 3 to freeze Beta #1 12/21 89! Beta #2 12/23 195 First u/s 1/4
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